Get Adjusted & Enjoy Our Beautiful Fall Season.


At Farrell Chiropractic Center we pride ourselves in creating a caring and comfortable environment for our community.   Striving to supply the highest quality of natural healthcare.  On your first visit you will meet with one of our chiropractors, Dr.Farrell or Dr. Nyaletey, where you can share your health concerns and they can learn about your unique goals.

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213-E Vermont Route 15

Jericho, Vermont 05465

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(802) 899-9991

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  • What is chiropractic?

    Chiropractic is a method of healthcare that releases stress from your body, focusing on the spine and nervous system. These stresses in your body are called vertebral subluxations.  Chiropractors correct these subluxations with spinal adjustments. The philosophy of chiropractic is very simple. Our bodies were designed to be self-healing organisms.  Within each person, we have an innate ability to heal ourselves and build and rebuild healthier tissue. Chiropractic is the largest, drugless profession in the United States, and due to the number of people who have used chiropractic services, chiropractic is no longer considered “alternative” treatment.

  • What is a subluxation?

    The word “subluxation” comes from the Latin words meaning “to dislocate” (luxate) and “somewhat or slightly” (sub). A subluxation means a slight dislocation (misalignment) or biomechanical malfunctioning of the vertebrae (bones of the spine). These disturbances may irritate nerve roots and blood vessels which branch off from the spinal cord between each of the vertebrae. This irritation may cause pain and dysfunction in muscles, lymphatic and organ tissue disturbances as well as imbalance in the normal body processes.

  • What causes a subluxation?

    Subluxations can be caused by any number of physical, chemical, or emotional stressors. A fall, injury, sudden jar, trauma, or sometimes an inherited spinal weakness can displace a vertebra.  Other causes include: improper sleeping conditions or habits, poor posture, incorrect lifting practices, obesity, lack of rest or exercise, air pollution, chemicals in drugs and food, emotional problems or disturbances, and stress.

  • How is a subluxation corrected?

    Dr. Farrell is a specialist with neuromusculoskeletal conditions. He is trained to restore the misaligned vertebrae to their proper position in the spinal column. He does with manual movement, special instruments, and/or a table, utilizing the chiropractic procedure known as “spinal adjustment.”  In most cases Dr. Farrell will use their hands in applying corrective pressure to the spine in a specific direction and location. The manual force or thrust helps restore the alignment and mobility of the vertebrae. In some cases, Dr. Farrell may use instrumentation to detect subluxation and adjust the spine.

  • Does the adjustment hurt?

    Under normal circumstances, chiropractic adjustments are painless. In cases of recent trauma, such as whiplash, mild discomfort may be experienced due to inflammation. In some cases there may be a mild soreness 1-2 days after the adjustment as the body adapts to the realignment of the vertebrae.

  • Does an adjustment have to make a noise to be effective?

    No.  It is a common misconception that your joints must make a noise to be properly adjusted.  However, more often than not, when your vertebrae are adjusted, the smooth articular (joint) surfaces become separated, creating and then releasing a small vacuum, making a noise. This is the same sound made when you “crack” your knuckles. Dr. Farrell is concerned with the position of your vertebrae, not with the noise that may occur.

  • How will the adjustment help me?

    Chiropractic adjustments by themselves do not actually heal the body. When any of the 24 moveable spinal vertebrae become misaligned, a basic imbalance or disruption can occur in the nervous and blood vascular systems, which may contribute to stress in the body. Chiropractic adjustments help eliminate the imbalance or disruption so that the body can function and heal itself naturally.

  • How old should a person be before he or she begins chiropractic care?

    Chiropractic patients range in age from birth to elderly.  Regardless of age, the vertebrae can become misaligned. For example, the birth process may cause trauma to the neck and spine. Left uncorrected, the vertebral subluxation may disturb the delicate spinal cord and nerves which control the child’s muscles and organs. In some cases, an uncorrected subluxation may lead to a deformity of the spinal column. An early chiropractic checkup may detect many spinal problems while they are still easily correctable. We encourage new moms to have their babies checked as soon as possible after the birth. 

  • How does chiropractic care help the pregnant woman?

    Because of the additional weight and stress on the framework of the body in pregnant women, chiropractic adjustments can help lower the incidence of pain in the lower back, legs, neck, and mid back (between the shoulder blades).  Chiropractors focus on the pelvis to help ensure an easier pregnancy, labor, and delivery.  Also, most women under regular chiropractic care will have a baby that is vertex (head down) presentation at the time of birth. Dr. Farrell is also trained in the Webster technique for a woman with a breech baby. The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint dysfunction. In so doing neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is improved and can hopefully help the baby to return to the ideal birthing position. 

  • Is regular chiropractic care necessary?

    Regular chiropractic care may be necessary to correct spinal subluxations to help maintain sound health and fitness. Your spine is under constant strain and stresses. Improper lifting techniques, poor posture, accidents, falls and bumps, and other stressors can contribute to spinal strain. Timely adjustments can help restore the neuromusculoskeletal integrity of the spine to normalize the body’s equilibrium and increase nerve and immune function.

  • Should I go to a chiropractor if I feel fine?

    Even if you feel fine, chiropractic care can help your body maintain its required level of health and fitness.  Even Olympic athletes and professional sports teams utilize chiropractic care to enhance performance. Chiropractors can recommend a preventive spinal-care program and advise you on correct posture, dietary information, and back exercises. Regular spinal checkups can help detect and prevent spinal stress due to subluxation.

  • Is it true that Chiropractors do not prescribe medication or perform surgery?

    Yes. Chiropractors do not include medication or surgery in their treatment program. Chiropractors maintain that the body has a built-in capacity to restore health within certain limits, and base their care on this principle. Over the counter or prescription medications can interfere with the body’s healing mechanisms, produce side effects, create dependence, and lead to drug-caused disease and complications. The first response in most illnesses and injuries should be conservative care. Chiropractic’s principles make it possibly the safest and most appealing of the healing arts.

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